About Me

Why Double Trouble? Well I'm the Mom of two boys. Two boys that are not only 14 months apart but they both have Cystic Fibrosis. So not only are they crazy guys they are two very special guys that will have and share a special relationship with each other that I will never understand. But as their Mom and #1 fan I would like to share with everyone what a crazy day is like with these two. From watching Curious George, Thomas the Train, Taking enzymes, Coloring, Doing treatments, Fighting, Weight Gain, Weight Loss and Brotherly Love. I'm also committed to do my very BEST in helping everyone know what CF is really all about.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Party City"

 Well I guess first off I want to explain how very thankful I am that Party City partnered with the CF Foundaiton to raise funds and awareness for CF. I can't tell you enough how BIG and warm my heart got when I was there on Sunday picking out Carson's Birthday invitaions and my sister says and pointed, "Elicia... Elicia... look" and as I looked up and saw this..... 
I can truly say I had to take a second look, I had to really look at it to make sure what I was seeing was real because something like this is something I would see because I was at a CF function. So as I stood there staring at these sign's all around I then had to ask our checker how long they had been doing this? She said they had just got them in, and in that same BREATH she asked me "What is it?" Now yes at that point my heart did sink just a little, because I thought to myself.... What is it.... WHAT IS IT!!!! But then I had to realize that before my boys I had no idea what it was either, so I looked at her and gave her the low down. And after my little lesson I pointed to Carson (because he was with me picking out his invitations) and said you would never know that he has CF would you? and she just "No".

So we left and as I went to my car and told my sister good bye, I had to sit in my car for just a min or two to grasp what had just happened.... And I don't know why it hit me as hard as it did but it did... it truly did, and the whole way home I would wipe the occasional tear from my face because I just kept thinking I was somewhere that was showing awareness for CF and it wasn't a fundraiser, an auction, or even a walk, it was somewhere that anyone anywhere would be going on any given day of the week. This made me happy and sad all at the same time, happy because CF was getting the well needed awareness and sad because I had to explain what CF was "AGAIN"... but I guess I need to also be happy that I got to open someones eyes on what Cystic Fibrosis really is.
I know I leave quotes at the end of my posts and I guess this kinda is one sooooo here it is.

“Our role as a sponsor goes hand-in-hand with the organization’s mission of ‘adding tomorrows every day,’ in which we want to give people with CF and their families the opportunity to celebrate all of life’s milestones and special moments,”
said Lisa Laube, President of Party City.