About Me

Why Double Trouble? Well I'm the Mom of two boys. Two boys that are not only 14 months apart but they both have Cystic Fibrosis. So not only are they crazy guys they are two very special guys that will have and share a special relationship with each other that I will never understand. But as their Mom and #1 fan I would like to share with everyone what a crazy day is like with these two. From watching Curious George, Thomas the Train, Taking enzymes, Coloring, Doing treatments, Fighting, Weight Gain, Weight Loss and Brotherly Love. I'm also committed to do my very BEST in helping everyone know what CF is really all about.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Oh the life of a CF Mama..... So I know that as a Mom you would do ANYTHING for your kids and being a CF Mom you get to do Mom things in special ways sometimes. And that is exactly what I did yesterday, you see my Nana, me and the boys went on a road trip to Woodburn Oregon. Now just so you kinda get an idea of what has been going on here. As most of you have read in other blogs Carson my oldest is a VERY picky eater and yes Carson comes by it quite honestly because Carson's Uncle ( My Brother) and my Mother were very picky eaters as kids, so as we all know with CFers they NEED to eat. Well when you have a CF kid that eats ONLY a hand full of things and when one of those things gets discontinued.... That can be a problem, so when Carson's Uncrustables grilled cheesed sandwiches got discontinued I was heartbroken. I know heartbroken over a silly sandwich, well I got even more heartbroken when I bought the sandwich punch thing that makes a sandwiches look just like one of the Uncrustables and he wouldn't even touch it. I even tried 5 different cheeses and still nothing, so anyways it was about 2 to 3 months with out "Sammies" and whenever I went to Walmart I would look for them and one day they had 17 boxes. I bought everyone and it was the best $40 I had ever spent.

I started to run low and was kind of getting worried that I was going to run out and I would have not found something else that Carson would eat that was " real " food like these silly sandwiches. But then the Sammie angle found some. My Mom's cousin that lives up in Washington just so happened to find some at her Walmart and had remembered my plea I had put on FB about friends and family to please look for these things whenever they were out shopping. So she found some and bought all 29 boxes that they had, and her parents were coming for a visit and said they would drop them off on their way home. So on Tuesday I got the best gift ever... 29 boxes of Sammies, but wait my Sammie angles were not done yet. After my Sammie deliverers left and headed home they thought they would stop off at the Woodburn Walmart just to see if they had any???? And they did!!! They had 3 CASES and a case had 10 boxes in them, so yet again my Mom's wonderful Aunt talked to a man there and was talking to him about saving them my Mom's cousin also called and talked to another man and told him our story and he said he would hold them for us. So when I found out what my family had done and I know that it might sound a little silly and I even laugh while I did it but... after I heard what they had done I truly had tears rolling down my face I was sooo happy. It was the most heart warming feeling and not only because of some silly sandwiches but that other people took their own time to make my days a little bit easier.

 It's a little crazy I know, but to have a child that WONT eat hardly anything let alone TRY anything, to have something that he will eat be taken way was devastating. But I think we will be fine for a while... because when we did get to Woodburn they didn't have 3 cases they had...... 5!!!! So I left with 50 boxes of Sammies and with 4 Sammies in a box I know have 200 more Sammies for Mr.Carson to enjoy. Now you can enjoy a couple pictures of Carson.

 "Mommy I so happy"

  "Sammie puzzle"


  1. That is so great! And I love the pictures! LOL You should send those and your story to smuckers.

  2. glad they made you all happy - I had tears reading this post!

  3. I had tears as well, but knowing what my family did to help out with Carson & his sammies warmed my heart! Michelle, Dorothy & John "thank you" from the bottom of my heart for all you did! Sha, Papa had a good suggestion in submitting that picture to Smuckers :)
