About Me

Why Double Trouble? Well I'm the Mom of two boys. Two boys that are not only 14 months apart but they both have Cystic Fibrosis. So not only are they crazy guys they are two very special guys that will have and share a special relationship with each other that I will never understand. But as their Mom and #1 fan I would like to share with everyone what a crazy day is like with these two. From watching Curious George, Thomas the Train, Taking enzymes, Coloring, Doing treatments, Fighting, Weight Gain, Weight Loss and Brotherly Love. I'm also committed to do my very BEST in helping everyone know what CF is really all about.

Monday, January 10, 2011

One day at a time......

So we are on day 4 of being home from Carson getting his G-tube and we are on day 3 of using it. The reason we are on day 3 instead of 4 is because we didn't start doing the feeds at home until I got my stuff together and my mind in the right place to do this. With us getting home on Thursday I didn't feel like I had it all together to start EVERYTHING the day we got home. And I'm so glad I waited... Carson is still having a little bit of a hard time letting Travis or I look or even touch it. The first two nights we had to hold him down to get him hooked up, but last night Travis was able to do it with me just standing there if he needed me. So I do have to say Carson is doing pretty good for being day 3, I think???? I have noticed that he doesn't eat as much during the day like he had but the nice thing is that I know he is getting what he needs at night while he sleeps.
So here I'm going to say it.... " I LOVE the G-tube!!!! " and yet it still brings me to tears when I think of Carson having it, and not so much because he had to get it but that we waited so long in getting it for him, but then, I had to exhaust every other avenue I had. And yes I was soooo agents him getting it and now I could kick myself for being so selfish... So selfish because it wasn't him that wasn't ready for it, it was me that wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to have CF take something else from us and I wasn't ready for such a visual of CF, and that's just so not what it should have been about. It should have been about what was best for Carson and not that I just didn't want to see something everyday that reminded me that he has CF. I should have been thinking the way I am now in the fact that I'm thankful for such a thing that helps my sweet boy stay healthy. So since I left a quote in my last blog here is another....

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
-- Melody Beattie


  1. don't beat yourself up mama!!!! it makes perfect sense...you want whats best for your babies, and your designed to protect them...Carson didn't miss anything, it all happened in Gods perfect timing, believe that. it's the truth. Glad he's doing well with it, it's a HUGE step for him and for you all too!
    Blessings and LOVE
    Sarah <3

  2. Don't feel bad!!! It is so unbelievably easy to see all you do for your sons. This is the path your lives have taken. It is what it is. It is no where near selfish!
