About Me

Why Double Trouble? Well I'm the Mom of two boys. Two boys that are not only 14 months apart but they both have Cystic Fibrosis. So not only are they crazy guys they are two very special guys that will have and share a special relationship with each other that I will never understand. But as their Mom and #1 fan I would like to share with everyone what a crazy day is like with these two. From watching Curious George, Thomas the Train, Taking enzymes, Coloring, Doing treatments, Fighting, Weight Gain, Weight Loss and Brotherly Love. I'm also committed to do my very BEST in helping everyone know what CF is really all about.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A weight has been lifted

Well it has been just a little over a week since we have been home with Carson having the feeding tube. And let me tell you a BIG weight has been lifted from my shoulders with him having this tube. I no longer fight or struggle with him when he eats, if it's lunch time and he only takes two to three bites of his sammie I don't feel the need to beg, or trick him to eat anymore of it. It's simply "Ok you can get down" and then I can sit and eat lunch myself with Brandon and not have to worry about Carson because I know he will get what he needs at night. And in just a week Carson has put on almost a POUND!!!! and Brandon my little BIG boy has done the same in just over a month. This "Button" as we call it has done more then set my mind at easy or taken soooo much weight off my shoulders it has given me a chance to really enjoy my boys, and not saying that I didn't before but so many nights I would either sit up awake thinking about what I could try that maybe different to get Carson to eat or beat myself up over what I could have tried with him. It has also given me a chance to REALLY know how much Brandon LIKES to eat... Man can that boy put away the Mac n Cheese and it has made me realize how much my baby isn't a baby anymore :( He is talking so much and he is also on night three of being in a big boys bed. WOW.... how time fly's bye.... Ok I think this is going to be a short one tonight because all this thinking about how fast my babies are growing up is making me tear up and it's making it hard to type, so I will leave you with this.....

"Peacefulness is an inner sense of calm - it comes from becoming still - in
order to reflect and meditate on our inner wisdom and receive answers. A
peaceful heart is one that is free from worry and trouble. It's becoming quiet
so we can look at things quietly so we can more clearly understand them and
thus come up with creative solutions. It is learning to live in the present."


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